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4.3 Overall Rating


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Most voted positive review

102 People found this comment helpful

I went to the doctor because I was at the end of my rope. I felt like I was in prison. I haven't been able to lose weight since the birth of my child 8 yrs. ago. I had my gall bladder removed 1 1/2 yrs ago. Having that removed caused more complications, not being able to eat a normal portion of food without it causing massive stomach pains and the runs.. So! for over a year, not eating alot with e...

Most voted negative review

39 People found this comment helpful

Why isn't my comment positing? I gained weight on phentermine. I gave it a bad review so what do I have to say it's good in order for it to allow my comment. Ok I'll change to someone satisfied but in all reality it was a waste of money. I don't know how everyone is losing weight. I did lose my appetite which was great but I could sleep that night. I had to take it every other day so I could...

Shared reviews and ratings

YogaMama | 55-64 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Overweight
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

After several years of trying to lose weight, my doctor prescribed Phentermine 37.5 for 12 weeks. I used the 12 weeks to increase my exercise, change my eating habits, and alter my mindset. I have lost 22 lbs and am now below my Weight-Watchers lifetime weight - I never thought I would see the numbers on the scale that I am now seeing! I cut back to taking the pills 3x per week, supplementing with L-Tyrosine, and have had no problem continuing to lose. Next week I will start 2x per week as I am working into maintaining the weight loss. I have had insomnia for most of my life, and a high resting heart rate, and neither of these were worsened by this medication. My BP is down, my energy is good, my libido has increased, and I have more focus than I have had in ages! Alcohol has no appeal to me anymore, and that used to be my major means of "stress relief". I feel like this medication is a tool to assist in changing habits and lifestyle choices. Knowing the limited amount of time that I could take it helped me to establish new habits and, although at first I was concerned about gaining the weight back once my 12 weeks were up, I feel confident that it will not be a problem. And I now have the energy to take up pickleball and pursue my yoga teaching credential! This has been a game-changer for me. Read More Read Less

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Anonymous | 35-44 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Weight Loss Management for an Obese Person
Overall rating 2.0
Ease of Use

I started this medication prescribed from my doctor hoping that I could lose weight. After 5 days with taking this I experienced real bad side effects. Heart racing, dry mouth, loss of appetite, moody, sad, angry, Trouble sleeping at night, nervous, etc.

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Anonymous | 25-34 | Male | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Overweight
Overall rating 2.0
Ease of Use

Yes I lost weight, but I experienced bladder problems. I had less control over my bladder and would constantly need to go to the bathroom. It also led to issues in the bedroom. I took the meds for 2 weeks before deciding to stop. About 5 days later those negative symptoms went away

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HappyUser | 35-44 | Male | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Weight Loss Management for an Obese Person
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

Started at 125kg. Had a good diet and worked out 3-4 times a week and lost 15kg over 6 months and then plateaued. Was stuck at 110kg +/-1kg for 3 months with no more loss. Doctor prescribed me Phentermine and noticed immediate appetite suppression and continued diet and work out plan. After a couple interrupted night's sleep at the start experienced little to no side effects. After 3 months concluding course I lost 17kg in total and couldn't be happier. Down to 93kg with a total net loss of 32kg. My next challenge is to now keep it off without it. Wish me luck.Read More Read Less

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Anonymous | 25-34 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Weight Loss Management for Overweight Person with BMI 27 to 29 and Weight-Related Comorbidity
Overall rating 4.7
Ease of Use

I've used this twice. First, my only side effect was dry mouth and I went from 180 lbs to 147 lbs from November to March. Then the pandemic happened and 2 years later, I gained back most of the weight. The second time, I did not listen to my doctor and took the whole pill instead of half. I had trouble breathing and heart palpitations, so I had to stop taking it. I did however go from 175 to 160 lbs from September to November. Please stick to what the doctor tells you to do or you will regret it. Other than that, I would try it again. Drink lots of water when taking.Read More Read Less

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Kak313 | 25-34 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 4.7
Ease of Use

I started taking this medication again about 2 week ago. I was previously taking it in 2022 for a short while but I had some insurance issues and was unable to continue use. I struggle with weight loss due to PCOS. I’m a 5’6” 25 year old female. I had the dry mouth everyone talks about for about 2-3 days and I was definitely jittery as well for a couple days, but I cut out my cup of coffee and those went away. I’m not sure if the insomnia is from the medication or working overnights - or a mix of both but I hope that subsides. I just started a new job the same day I started the medication. I stock shelves so I’m walking non stop. Starting weight was 232lbs and I’m already down to 220lbs. 12 pounds in 2 weeks? I’ll take it. I’m sure I’ll hit a plateau eventually. But my calorie intake is under 1000/daily due to the medication suppressing my appetite and I’m taking roughly 20,000 steps a day. My goal weight is 160-170lbs. I will update in a month or so to see where I’m at. Read More Read Less

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Weightlossangel | 35-44 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Weight Loss Management for an Obese Person
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

This pill worked wonders for me 35 pounds gone in just 1 month, absolutely love it and will be getting another supply soon

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Chloe | 55-64 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Other
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I am 5’5” female that weighed in last Monday at 141 pounds. Does not sound like a lot but for me it is 10/12 pounds heavier than usual. I have been struggling to lose the weight for last couple months with no luck. Started Phentermine on Monday and ate minimal food as I was not hungry and bumped up my exercise and to my surprise everyday the scale went down and by Saturday I was down 9 pounds. Extremely happy as that scale would not move no matter what I did. I had two days of feeling speedy and now have no side effects alittle dry mouth at times but nothing to be concerned about. I highly recommend it! Read More Read Less

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MC | 45-54 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Overweight
Overall rating 5.0
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I’ve been taking this daily since 01/04/23 and have gone from 183 pounds to 166 pounds. Minor side effects that lasted a few days except for dry mouth. I take water everywhere I go. I have more energy and I’m not hungry all the time.

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HF | 55-64 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Overweight
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

It definitely worked for me. I have been trying to lose weight for so long now and I don't do diets I need something that I can live with and something 'natural'. Whereas I admit this pill is not 'natural' but I had to get over first 20lbs to see some results and get disciplined again. Don't kid yourself- the pill is not 'doing it FOR you' - it just helps by not being hungry and still being able to work and focus while not eating. Side effects - yes, but let's not kid ourselves - there are far more side effects from being heavy. So as long as you go by the rules and eat less, healthy and also exercise and drink tons of water - as long as you do that the pill is PERFECT. I took 1 month every day then I started taking only twice a week and so to keep my hunger under control and now I don't take it anymore and still control my hunger - but I've lost 30lbs and feel a million times better. Doctors need to start seeing obesity as a illness as well tha has bad side effects - so it's more about "which side effects are worse". Read More Read Less

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Georgette | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Weight Loss Management for an Obese Person
Overall rating 4.3
Ease of Use

This medication is great. There are some things to be aware of however. There are side effects. The insomnia only lasted 2 days. The feelings of irritability or anger were only for a few days. No jitters or anxiety. And I’m sensitive to caffeine. But there are other side effects that continue that you should prepare for to have a good experience. Firstly, drink water. Spring water or coconut water because you need to replenish electrolytes. For some people regular water will not cut it. Another thing, I got sever dry mouth. My mouth was getting bad until I ordered dry mouth lozenges and after 3 days of those the moisture level returned. Also, this medication gave me a hemorrhoid. Very bad. Prep h didn’t work. What worked for that was using dude wipes and buying standard process collinsonia root. Gone. I worked out while on the drug and had great results, at first. Unfortunately for me the drug stopped working after 2.5 weeks which was a bummer. I recommend working out while on this and eating nutritious meals and you will do great. Stay hydrated and use the time you’re on it to “reset” with the goal of not relying on crutches long term. Read More Read Less

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JeffK | 55-64 | Male | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Weight Loss Management for an Obese Person
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I started taking phentermine on Dec 6th 2022. I am a 57 year old man, who is 5'8" tall. It is now Feb 9th 2023. I went from 204 lbs, to 174 lbs in two months, 30 lbs lost. It is most definitely effective. However, the drug itself does not make you lose weight. It is an appetite suppressant. In order to lose weight you have to drastically reduce your calorie intake. Phentermine allowed me to consume less than 1000 calories a day, and not be insane with hunger. I have 9 lbs more to lose in order to reach my goal weight of 165 lbs. I started taking phentermine on a Thursday, big mistake. Thursday night I was completely unable to sleep. When you first start taking it there are side effects. For me they lasted about a week and were a bit extreme. I would suggest you start taking it on a day, where you have the next day or two off. The inability to sleep was extreme for a few days. After that it continued to lessen. To the point I was more than able to sleep 8+ hrs a night. Other side effects were ringing in my ears, and constipation. The drug is extremely effective, but it is more than possible to binge eat on it if you are determined. It does make small meals make you feel quite full though. My BMI went from morbidly obese, to slightly overweight in two months. The physical effects are pretty dramatic. I have gone from a 40" waist, down to a 34. If you are at your wits end with being obese and trying to lose weight, I would fully suggest it. Read More Read Less

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Mlp | 45-54 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Weight Loss Management for Overweight Person with BMI 27 to 29 and Weight-Related Comorbidity
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I have been on phentermine 3 weeks tomorrow and first thing I noticed is the energy burst. I take it when I wake up in the morning before breakfast and it’s replaced the need for a cup or two of coffee. Also not craving food all the time. I’m obese, pre diabetic, asthmatic, with sleep apnea and life style change is no longer an option. At first had some headaches, but that may have been stopping the coffee? I’m exercising 3 times a week and using calorie counter. Lost 6 lbs which is healthy weight loss by day 16, but 1 belt loop is really exciting. Feeling better and more positive about my journey to better health. Praying this is the start of a new chapter. Read More Read Less

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SweatyBetty | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Overweight
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I have been taking Phentermine for 6 weeks. In the 6 weeks, I stopped eating gluten, dairy, and I started exercising 5-6 days a week. I started at 174 and I am down to 160 with my goal weight being 135/140. It gives you a burst of energy in the morning and it stays throughout the day. I have experienced the dizziness when I went up in the dosage, but it’s not that bad. I look at it as a tool to help me get to my goal weight, but I had to make several lifestyle changes to get me here.

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Alexa | 35-44 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Weight Loss Management for Overweight Person with BMI 27 to 29 and Weight-Related Comorbidity
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

this medication actually works. It does suppress your hunger and thoughts of binge eating and overeating and so forth. I could never suppress my hunger. If I felt full, my brain said hold my beer. since I’ve been on this medication, I’ve had more energy, been able to do more with my family, and not feel like I got to eat all day or every minute of every second. I constantly had food on my brain this medicine worked miracles with me. I've lost 4 pounds in one week! Side effects slight dizziness. Read More Read Less

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Ruby | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 2 to less than 5 years | Patient
Condition: Weight Loss Management for an Obese Person
Overall rating 3.3
Ease of Use

Phentermine definitely works, I lost 45 lbs effortlessly, but it came with serious side effects, Heart palpitations,severe dry mouth, loss of hair... I could"nt sleep because Phentermine is speed! Doctors prescribe it like candy. For 2 years i was on this crap because i was addicted to it. After finally quitting it for good.

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Kay2022 | 25-34 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Overweight
Overall rating 2.3
Ease of Use

I’ve been using this medication for 2 months and I haven’t lost a single pound.. It is extremely disappointing! I am taking the 30mg every morning and all it does is make me feel like I have a slight high feeling and I get a headache too. I am going to see if there’s something else that I can try. I’ve tried losing weight for years and just can’t do it. Tried keto, weight watchers, you name it, just doesn’t work for me.

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Meg | 35-44 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Weight Loss Management for Overweight Person with BMI 27 to 29 and Weight-Related Comorbidity
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

Worked great for me! Lost 15 pounds. It did cause dry mouth but only noticed it the first 2 weeks. I did gain 5 pounds back after being off of it for a month. I exercise and stick to a healthy lifestyle. I do not have a gallbladder and I also have Hashimotos so I always have a hard time losing weight and this seems to be the best thing for me. I wish i could could have continued using it longer then 3 months.

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Sprinkles | 25-34 | Female | On medication for 1 to 6 months | Patient
Condition: Weight Loss Management for an Obese Person
Overall rating 5.0
Ease of Use

I started taking this 7/15 and I was 370lbs. Today, 11/24, I’m weighing in at 298lbs! I had one day of jitters and energy and after that I went back to ‘normal’. It definitely curves my hunger and suppresses some of my major cravings like sugar. The only adverse reaction is my heart beats 5-6 more bpm.

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PRoman | 45-54 | Female | On medication for less than 1 month | Patient
Condition: Adjunct Treatment of Obesity in a Comprehensive Weight Reduction Regimen
Overall rating 2.7
Ease of Use

Worked when I used it the first time, but second time caused terrible mood swings

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